Visual Art

3. graders Rauman normaalikoulu

The pupils have been studying the Old Town Hall in many ways. This time the focus was on the photos. What could the photos taken now and before for different kinds of purposes tell us. Would it be possible to learn from photos?

The idea was to offer a different point of view into thinking about the cultural heritage, in our case this time Old Town Hall: how do we feel about it, should we look after it, is it important to us? What values does it represent to us?

Old Town Hall (teacher's notes) attachment explains the aims of the lesson and some results.

Old town Hall (task for learners)attachment shows the 16 photos which were used during the lesson.

Download this file (Old Town Hall photos 1.pdf)Old Town Hall Photos[task for learners]786 kB
Download this file (Old Town Hall photos.pdf)Old Town Hall Photos[teacher's notes]183 kB
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